
Kő, Pál


He was born on 2nd June 1941, in Perespuszta.

1968 University of Fine Arts, student of Somogyi József
1955 He made Passion imageries for the Catholic Church in Jászszentandrás.
Three stone embossments are made for Vatican, Magyarok Nagyasszonya Chapel.
1978- He is a teacher at the University of Fine Arts.
1990-91 He is an honorary university teacher.
1991-97 University teacher, vice-chancellor.
1992- President of Samu Géza Board of Curators.
1993-96 Elected President of WORLD FEDERATION OF HUNGARIANS' Society of Fine and Applied Arts.
He is a member of the Board of Kossuth- and Széchenyi Awards until 1995.
1995- Member of Hungarian Academy of Arts.

Awards, acknowledgements

Munkácsy Mihály Award (1975)
Artist of Merit (1986)
Award "For Hungarian Art" (1990)
Freeman, Nagypalád (1994)
Diploma "Rendületelenül" (1998)
Freeman, Heves Town (2001
Kossuth Award (2001)
Kölcsey Award (2002)
Príma Primissima Award (2006)
M.S. mester Award (2007)
Artist of the Nation Award (2014)

Main Artworks

Boronás (Levelek)
Béla, the III. (Baja) Vetési Albert (Veszprém)
Károly Róbert (Gyöngyös, Texas)
Kossuth (Szolnok, Nagypalád) Kölcsey (Bp., Sződemeter)
Szondy (Drégelypalánk)
29 Graves (Mohács)
3 stone embossments (Rome)
Sinka István (Vésztő)
Kőrösi Csoma Sándor (Tibet)
Ráday Monument (Farkasrét)
Monument of Martyrs (Sopron)
Monument (Szajol)
II. World War Monument (Veresegyház)
Tower of Professors (Budapest courtyard of Bajcsy Zsilinszky Hospital)
Hanover Expo 2000 Sculpture for Vadász György architect, titled "Love Gate", stone and bronze Promenade of Archbishops, Kalocsa,
Portrait of Grősz József Archbishop Fountain (Lukácsháza)
King Saint Stephen (Szent István Király) (stone sculpture, Buda, 2001)
Ship of Hungarian Science (stone sculpture, 2002)