König, Róbert (1951-2014)
1951 He was born on 3rd November in Székesfehérvár.
1970 | He takes his A-levels in Teleki Blanka Grammar School in Székesfehérvár. After finishing Grammar School he works in a Press. He learns typesetting. |
From 1971 | he is a student of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, majoring in Printmaking. His masters are Raszler Károly and Rozanits Tibor. |
1975 | He graduates from the University. |
Since 1st November 1975 | he has been a teacher of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts at the Picture Graphics Department and a member of the Association of Hungarian Artists (MAOE). |
From 1976 to 1979 | he is Derkovits Scholarship winner. |
Since 1976 | he has been a member of the Society of Hungarian Artists, later, the Society of Hungarian Illustrators, the Society of Hungarian German Writers and Artists, the Friends of Graphic Artists, the Esslingen Künstlergilde and the Art Union of Hungarian Engravers. |
1977 | He wins the first prize of the Young Artists' Studio twice (Ady, Várpalota). |
1978 | He marries artist Lelkes Mária. The same year he is in Rome with the scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Rome, where he also has an exhibition. |
1979 | He publishes his first album on the history of mining. |
1980 | He works in Voss, in Norway with the scholarship of British Council. |
1981 | He publishes a graphic album on agricultural machine production. |
1983 | He finds Szenttamás, Imre Manor, which is on the fields between Törökszentmiklós and Mezőtúr, and where they breed English full-bloods. He opens artists' camp for his students there. |
1984 | He wins SZOT scholarship. |
1984 | He opens an exhibition in Galerie Mentsch, Hamburg, and takes part in a collective exhibition in József Attila Library, Miskolc. |
1985 | He wins "Nívódíj" (Excellence) Award of the Ministry of Culture for editing the publications of Friends of Graphic Artists. |
1986 | The Friends of Graphic Artists publishes his linocut series titled: From Cornwall to Edinburgh. |
Between 1986 and 1987 | he is prize winner at different exhibitions of Hódmezővásárhely, Szolnok, Tihany, Gyula and Besztercebánya.He organizes collective exhibitions in Baja in 1987, in Hódmezővásárhely in 1989 and in Budapest Vigadó in 1990. |
1991 | He wins the first prize of Tallinn Graphic Biennale and the SZOT Award. |
1993 | He holds a woodcut course at the Royal Academy of Denhag. He makes the visual design for Ungarndeutsche Indentität in Europaischen Dimension conference, and organizes its exhibition material. |
1994 | He opens an exhibition in Pozsony Hungarian Institute. He designs the graphic ornaments on the lounge walls of Deutsche Bühne Ungarn. |
1996 | In his album: Dort drunt an der Donau he deals with the Hungarian Germans' migration, settlement, history and generative activity in Hungary. |
1997 | His works are displayed in Stuttgart (Hungarian Institute), Esslingen (Künstlergilde) and in New Delhi (Hungarian Institute). |
1997 | He takes part in the organization of Niagara University Fine Arts Department altogether with his colleagues. |
1999 | He is awarded with the Culture and Art main prize of Baden-Württemberg (Donauschwätbischer Kulturpreis des Landes Baden-Württemberg). |
2000 | He publishes a graphic album with poet Nagy Gáspár and translator Kárpáti Pál, titled: A Cross on Wavy Water. |
by 2000 | he finishes a half-decade-work, a secco series in Almásy Castle of Imre Manor in the old park of Szenttamás. He finishes the decoration of Saint George Hall, the Meeting Hall, the corridors and staircase. He finishes monumental pictures in the castle chapel for the Millennium. His giant outdoor graphic work (Dég 2000, 3x16 m) is first shown in Dég, in Festetics Castle Park. |
During the summer, 2001 | the secco of Papageno Balcony is made ready, which is a visual realization of Mozart's "The Magic Flute". |
In autumn 2001 | he organizes a collective exhibition in Budapest Vigadó (the topic is woodcut illustrations for Bach's Hunter Cantata and Mozart's opera: The Magic Flute) |
In 2002 and 2005 |
he exhibits his woodcuts on Holzschnitt Heute exhibition in Ludwigsburg. |
In January 2003 | he earns a DLA level Summa Cum Laude PhD degree with his study titled: Organic Dynamics. He has individual exhibitions in Stuttgart Hungarian Institute, in Reutlingen Gutekunst Gallery and in Wolfsburg. |
In the autumn, 2003 | opens an exhibition in Saint Michael Chapel in Buda (Vincze Gallery). For that occasion he publishes album "Hyppocrene". His art and teaching work are in harmony. |
2004 | He earns higher qualification at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (Equus Et Mundus). |
2005 | June He has a very successful woodcut exhibition in Körmendi Gallery, Budapest. |
2006 | Opens individual exhibitions in Germany (Reutlingen, Wolfsburg, Schwabisch, Gmüd). Since that year he has been researching the graphic heritage of artist Varga Nándor Lajos. He has an individual exhibition in Gallery 13, Hódmezővásárhely. |
2007 | Individual retrospective exhibition in Alföldi Gallery, Hódmezővásárhely. He finishes his archaic fresco "Bóly" (80 nm2) in Bóly, Baranya County. As a part of the conference on the relocation of the Germans in Hungary (Budapest, Parliament) he opens an individual exhibition. |
2008 | He opens an exhibition in Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna. |
2009 | Forrás Gallery, Budapest |
2010 | Boldogasszony - Forrás Gallery, Budapest |
2013 | Munkácsy Mihály Award |
2012.03.08. - 2012.04.03.
Boldogasszony Exhibition - BUDAPEST
2010.03.04. - 2010.03.20.
Exhibition of König, Róbert graphic artist
2009.10.01. - 2009.10.17.