Press room

Magyar Nemzet, 5th March 2010 - P.Szabó, Ernő: Artistic meetings with the Boldogasszony

Magyar Nemzet, 18th November 2009, Wednesday, P.Szabó, Ernő : Stories Changed into Pictures - Jankovics Marcell’s Illustrations in Forrás Gallery

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168 Hour Magazine, Jolsvai, András: A renaissance man - Exhibition of Jankovics, Marcell, Culture Portal - Exhibition of Jankovics, Marcell graphic artist

Heti Válasz - Over cartoons, "Piszkos Fred" ("Dirty Fred") among the hungarian folk tales' characters.

Hungarian Catholic Radio – conversation with Jankovics Marcell graphic artist in the Forrás Gallery

Duna TV, Programme Port, 28th October 2009, 8.30 pm – exhibition of Jankovics Marcell in Forrás Gallery

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