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Aknay, János
B.Raunio, Maria
Balogh, Edit
Balogh, Gyula
Barsboldt, Denzen
Bátorfi, Andrea
Csáji, Attila
Csáki, Róbert
Dienes, Gábor (1948-2010)
Farkas, Ádám
Fehér, László
Filep, Sándor
Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915 - 2005)
Gyulai, Líviusz
Halassy, Csilla
Hauser, Beáta
Jankovics, Marcell
Jánváry, Zoltán
Katona, Zsuzsa
Kő, Boldizsár
Kő, Pál
König, Róbert (1951-2014)
Kubinyi Anna
Kunkovács, László
Lajta, Gábor
Mara, Kinga
Megyeri-Horváth, Gábor
Nemes, István
Orosz, István
Papageorgiu, Andrea
Pauer, Gyula (1941-2012)
Polgár, Botond
Rádóczy Gyarmathy, Gábor
Raffay, Dávid
Reich, Károly (1922-1988)
Rényi, Krisztina
Sárkány, Győző
Somogyi, Győző
Sulyok Gabriella
Szabó, Ákos
Szemadám, György
Szinte, Gábor (1928-2012)
Takáts, Márton
Tóth-Kovács, József
Varga, Sándor
Varga-Amár, László
All exhibitions
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- 2012-03-08
- 2019-02-22
- 2019-08-01
- 2019-09-05
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- 2018-10-11
Jánváry, Zoltán gaphic artist - 2013-05-31
Lipcsey, György Munkácsy Mihály Award-winning sculptor from Upper Hungary - 2015-11-06
Munkácsy Mihály award winner Szemadám, György painter - 2011-09-15
Soltész, István Transcarpathian painter, Merited Artist of Ukraine - 2016-07-14
"Value choice in the contemporary art of the Carpathian Basin" symposium - 2014-10-18
14th International Art Expo, Beijing - 2011-08-18
Ádám Gyula transilvanian photographer exhibition - 2017-04-20
Alan parallels - 2012-09-10
Balázs József, transylvanian painter's exhibition - 2017-08-16
Balogh Rudolf Award Winner Kunkovács László photographer and ethnographer - 2013-02-01
Bartusz, György artist from Highland, Regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2016-09-22
Bocskay, Vince Transylvanian sculptor, Regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2016-12-15
Bokotej, András Transcarpathian glass artist - 2015-04-15
Boldogasszony - 2011-12-09
Boldogasszony - 2012-01-06
Boldogasszony - 2012-02-05
Boldogasszony - 2010-08-15
Boldogasszony - 2010-09-19
Boldogasszony - 2012-03-01
Boldogasszony - 2010-09-23
Boldogasszony - 2012-03-29
Boldogasszony - 2012-05-22
Boldogasszony - 2010-10-29
Boldogasszony - 2010-12-05
Boldogasszony - 2011-01-14
Boldogasszony - 2011-02-15
Boldogasszony - 2011-04-30
Boldogasszony - 2011-04-01
Boldogasszony - 2011-06-02
Boldogasszony - 2011-07-07
Boldogasszony - 2011-08-15
Boldogasszony - 2011-09-05
Boldogasszony - 2011-09-30
Boldogasszony - 2011-11-15
Boldogasszony - 2010-03-04
Boldogasszony exhibition - 2015-05-09
Denzen Barsboldt and Choindongiin Khurelbaatar - 2012-11-15
Duncsák Attila highlander painter - 2015-07-22
Exchibition of Munkacsy Mihaly award winner Somogyi Győző - 2009-09-11
Exhibition of Pallas-Akadémia Publisher, Children Books - 2009-10-14
Exhibition of Csáki, Róbert - 2007-11-09
Exhibition of Csáki, Róbert - 2008-11-07
Exhibition of Csernus, Tibor (1927-2007) and Szabó, Ákos (1936 - ) - 2009-11-26
Exhibition of Erfán Ferenc Transcarpathian painter, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-02-25
Exhibition of Ferenczy Noémi award winner Hauser, Beáta - 2010-04-15
Exhibition of Gyarmathy, Tihamér (1915-2005) and Rádóczy Gyarmathy, Gábor - 2008-05-30
Exhibition of Incze Mózes - 2009-04-29
Exhibition of Incze, Mózes - 2010-05-06
Exhibition of Incze, Mózes - 2008-05-09
Exhibition of Jankovics Marcell - 2010-10-21
Exhibition of Könczey, Elemér - 2010-02-11
Exhibition of König, Róbert - 2009-10-01
Exhibition of Kossuth Award winner Jankovics, Marcell - 2009-10-22
Exhibition of Lajta Gábor - 2010-11-12
Exhibition of Munkácsy and Kossuth Award winner Pauer, Gyula - 2008-01-25
Exhibition of Munkácsy and Kossuth Award winner Reich, Károly (1922-1988) - 2008-06-20
Exhibition of Munkácsy and Kossuth Award winner Reich, Károly (1922-1988) - 2009-06-20
Exhibition of Munkácsy Award winner Szemadám, György - 2008-04-04
exhibition of Munkácsy Mihály and Kossuth Award winner Gyulai Líviusz - 2009-05-19
Exhibition of Munkácsy Mihály and Kossuth Award winner Kő Pál - 2010-01-21
Exhibition of NÁDAS ALEXANDRA painter and Munkácsy Mihály Award winner NAGY GÁBOR painter Exhibition - 2009-02-27
Exhibition of Papageorgiu, Andrea - 2008-03-07
Exhibition of Papageorgiu, Andrea - 2010-05-31
Exhibition of Szabó Ákos - 2010-12-03
Exhibition of Szemadám György’s books: Emlékkönyv and Vándorok könyve - 2009-11-18
Exhibition of Szinte Gábor painter - 2010-02-25
Exhibition of Szinte, Gábor - 2008-02-15
Exhibition of Szinte, Gábor - 2009-03-20
Exhibition of Takáts, Márton - 2010-04-16
Exhibition of Tóth-Kovács József - 2010-09-30
Exhibition of winner artworks of the UniCredit Talent Programme 2014 - 2014-06-10
Exhibiton of John Hyland - 2010-02-11
Exhibiton of Munkácsy Mihály and Kossuth Award winner of Pauer, Gyula - 2008-12-12
Exhibiton of Pauer Gyula and Gyarmathy Tihamer - 2009-07-15
Glück Gábor(1912-1983) Transcarpathian painter, graphic artist, Merited Artist of Ukraine - 2017-03-22
Graphic exhibiton of Rádóczy Gyarmathy Gábor - 2007-10-19
Habda, László Jr. transcarpathian painter - 2015-02-26
Hager, Ritta Kossuth Award Winner textile artist - 2013-09-05
Hungarians-Alans-Jazygians - 2014-04-15
Hungary Art - 2011-06-14
Iváncsó, András Transcarpathian painter, Merited Artist of Ukraine - 2016-06-16
Jakobovits, Miklós Munkácsy Award winner, Arshile Gorky Award winner Transylvanian painter - 2014-11-07
Jankovics, Marcell Kossuth Award Winner graphic artist - 2013-10-03
Jankovics, Marcell Kossuth Award Winner graphic artist - 2013-11-07
Jankovics, Marcell Kossuth Award Winner graphic artist - 2013-12-03
Jankovics, Marcell Kossuth Award Winner graphic artist - 2014-01-09
Jankovics, Marcell Kossuth Award Winner graphic artist - 2014-02-05
Jánváry Zoltán graphic artist - 2016-08-18
Kákonyi, Csilla Szervátiusz Jenő Award-winning Transylvanian painter - 2015-09-24
Kárpáti, Tamás painter, Meritorious Artist, Excellent Artist, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-04-03
Király, Ferenc Munkácsy Mihály award winner sculptor from Prekmurje - 2014-06-24
Kopriva Attila transcarpathian painter - 2015-01-22
Kossuth award winner Jankovics, Marcell graphic artist - 2012-01-27
Kossuth award winner Orosz, István graphic artist - 2011-11-28
Kosztándi, Jenő and Kosztándi B., Katalin Transylvanian painters - 2016-05-26
Kusztos, Endre Transylvanian painter, graphic artist, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-11-26
Kuti, Dénes painter from Szováta - 2013-10-15
Lázár, Tibor Forum Art Award-winning painter from southern land - 2015-11-26
Léphaft, Pál Forum Fine Art Prize winning caricaturist from Southland - 2015-07-01
Magyar, László Transcarpathian painter, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-09-30
Mara Kinga painter - 2012-04-13
Matl Péter Transcarpathian sculptor - 2016-03-24
Mezei, Erzsébet Forum Art Award-winning graphic artist from southern land - 2015-03-25
Micska, Zoltán Transcarpathian painter, Distinguished Artist of Ukraine - 2016-04-14
Móser Zoltán Balogh Rudolf award winner photographer, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-01-31
Munkácsy Mihály award winner Gabriella Sulyok graphic artist - 2011-03-08
Munkácsy Mihály award winner Katona, Zsuzsa sculptor and Munkácsy Mihály award winner Dienes, Gábor (1948-2010) painter - 2011-01-20
Nagy János highland sculptor, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-01-21
Nemes, István painter - 2013-10-25
On the same way - 2016-05-05
Páll, Lajos Transylvanian painter, poet, Merited Artist, Excellent Artist, former member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-12-10
Penovác, Endre southland painter - 2014-05-27
Polgár, Csaba Ferenczy Noémi award winner artist-textile artist - 2014-03-13
Raffay, Dávid sculptor - 2011-02-10
Rényi, Krisztina graphic artist - 2011-10-25
Réti János Transcarpathian painter, graphic artist - 2017-01-19
Samu Géza Awarded sculptors - 2013-04-26
Sinko, Szabina painter from Prekmurje - 2016-01-21
Sipos, László Transylvanian painter, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-07-15
Somogyi, Győző Kossuth award winner painter, graphic artist, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-10-04
Szabó, Ákos painter - 2016-10-20
Szabó, Ákos painter - 2011-03-02
Szabó, Ottó graphic artist and painter from Upper Hungary - 2015-06-11
Szajkó, István southern painter - 2014-08-26
Szemadám György's books: Családtörténet és önéletírás and the Leopárd a teraszon - 2012-11-22
Szocska László Transcarpathian sculptor - 2017-02-16
Takáts, Márton painter and graphic artist - 2012-10-11
Torok, Melinda Forum Art Award-winning painter from Southern land - 2016-02-24
Tóth, Tímea painter from Upper Hungary - 2015-10-14
Vargha, Mihály Transylvanian sculptor, Regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2016-11-17
Vinczeffy, László Munkácsy Mihály award winner Transylvanian painter, member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts - 2014-04-01
Vladimir Tsesler contemporary Belarusian artist - 2013-03-13
Zsáki, István painter from southern land - 2015-12-17
“Return of the Nap Street Boys” - 2008-10-10
“Return of the Nap Street Boys” - MEDIAWAVE, Győr - 2009-04-25